Sunday, March 1, 2009
Floods, Deserts and Dust. It Must be Lent!
The shadow of Lent has fallen upon us. The light of the Epiphany has dimmed and been covered. The dark cloud of inevitable death is only a stones throw away. God has empowered his only begotten Son with a mission of salvation to all creation. While this isn’t the first time God has made a covenant (or promise) with his creation, this will be the ultimate and last covenant necessary.
Long before Jesus is sent on his divine salvific mission, there is the story of Noah. Once again we learn that God has become displeased and disgusted with his very free, but very broken creation. Once again God looks down at not only humanity’s waywardness, but on at the negative effect we have had on the rest of his creation. One would think that we might have learned something in the Garden of Eden. But that is the nature of sin. Left unchecked it continues to repeat its destructive patterns over and over again; each time becoming a little worse until it has consumed all the things it touches (especially us) cutting us off from the light and love of God.
In this mornings reading from the Book of Genesis we find the whole earth at fault before God. God’s patience is gone. His tolerance of humanity’s self-centered, faithless behavior is at its end. God will no longer allow his creation to live in such a filthy and sinful manner. So He brings the flood. Since all of God’s creation is closely linked the destruction of the earth and all living things is part of God’s divine plan. Yet we have a loving God. A God whose nature it is to create; and rather than wipe out his work completely, God has his faithful servant Noah build an ark and herd two of every kind of animal (both male and female) aboard the big boat. Now, I used to work for the Biology Department while in college at UGA. I was the animal caretaker for the lab animals. That smelled bad enough, but can you imagine what the ark must have smelled like?! I often wonder who got the job of cleaning the stalls.
The important thing to note about the flood story is that after it was all over, God made a covenant with Noah. He said he would never again destroy the earth by flood waters. To mark the sign of this covenant he hung a beautiful rainbow in the sky. In Christ Jesus, God will do the same for us. Accept rather than hang a rainbow in the sky, he will hang his only Son from a cross.
In today’s reading from Mark, we witness Jesus’ baptism and literal expulsion into the Judean desert (not a good place to be). This reading in Mark is the beginning of Jesus’ ministry to his people and eventually to all creation. In many ways, Jesus is the “New Ark.” We find Jesus suffering through merciless temptation for 40 days, with the wild beasts and angels. (You see) once again we see that all creation is linked.
As we look at the nature of God and his covenants, there are interesting parallels between today’s two readings:
In Genesis the clouds form and the rain pours down. In Mark the heavens are violently torn apart at Jesus’ baptism, and the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus like a Dove.
In Genesis, Noah floats on the waters for 40 days; adrift in a wet and abandoned world. There is a dark void where abundant life used to exist. In Mark, Jesus is set adrift in the desert. For 40 days he endures the desolate void found in a dry and abandoned waste land.
In Genesis, Noah herds God’s creatures into the ark and cares for them during this 40 day period. In Mark, Jesus draws the desert creatures to himself. He is God’s new Ark or refuge.
We don’t know what kind of sailing Noah experienced during the flood. We are not told if he faced terrible waves and violent tempests. But we do know that Jesus faced a terrible onslaught by the Adversary; an attack meant to derail and destroy the future hope of God’s creation. If Jesus gave in or failed, the world was doomed. But as we all know, where Adam failed in the Garden of Eden, Jesus will succeed in the Judean desert. And just as the flood waters eventually subside, so does Jesus’ wilderness exile. God’s plan for redeeming all creation is now in motion.
All too often we find ourselves adrift in this world. We find ourselves frightened, worried and consumed with the weight of our problems. Perhaps we long for the heavens to open up and have God deliver us. Perhaps we desperately hope to find refuge and sanctuary on a rescue boat, as we slowly drown in a sea of doubt and despair.
There is no doubt that today’s world is a difficult place to exist. We all have major worries. If it is not the deflated economy, it is the violence we see in society. If it is not war and conflict, it is the abuse of the innocent. We exist in a very harsh and world in which the Adversary is always brewing up a new tempest or sand storm to make our lives difficult, full of doubt and distracted. This is why it is absolutely vital that we remember that Jesus (the New Covenant) is (dare I say the word!) our Bailout Package. Except unlike the monstrosity in Washington, this bailout comes at no cost without interest. This morning as Jesus undertakes his mission to redeem the world, deep down in creation a change is subtly taking place. Because of Jesus’ faithfulness, the Adversary knows that he has already lost the battle. While he will make a few subtle returns, Jesus will not fall for his tricks or ploys. Jesus has turned his face toward Jerusalem and the cross. Lent has begun.
As we undertake this Lenten journey with Christ; the more faithfully we commit ourselves to stay the path; the less power our fears will have over us. Please remember, no matter what storms or hardships we face, God is faithful and God will not abandon us. Through Christ Jesus our Lord we have a new hope and a new life. So, please – join me and together, (together) we will take this Lenten journey – (a journey) which will eventually lead to the greatest bailout package of all – the Resurrection.
Long before Jesus is sent on his divine salvific mission, there is the story of Noah. Once again we learn that God has become displeased and disgusted with his very free, but very broken creation. Once again God looks down at not only humanity’s waywardness, but on at the negative effect we have had on the rest of his creation. One would think that we might have learned something in the Garden of Eden. But that is the nature of sin. Left unchecked it continues to repeat its destructive patterns over and over again; each time becoming a little worse until it has consumed all the things it touches (especially us) cutting us off from the light and love of God.
In this mornings reading from the Book of Genesis we find the whole earth at fault before God. God’s patience is gone. His tolerance of humanity’s self-centered, faithless behavior is at its end. God will no longer allow his creation to live in such a filthy and sinful manner. So He brings the flood. Since all of God’s creation is closely linked the destruction of the earth and all living things is part of God’s divine plan. Yet we have a loving God. A God whose nature it is to create; and rather than wipe out his work completely, God has his faithful servant Noah build an ark and herd two of every kind of animal (both male and female) aboard the big boat. Now, I used to work for the Biology Department while in college at UGA. I was the animal caretaker for the lab animals. That smelled bad enough, but can you imagine what the ark must have smelled like?! I often wonder who got the job of cleaning the stalls.
The important thing to note about the flood story is that after it was all over, God made a covenant with Noah. He said he would never again destroy the earth by flood waters. To mark the sign of this covenant he hung a beautiful rainbow in the sky. In Christ Jesus, God will do the same for us. Accept rather than hang a rainbow in the sky, he will hang his only Son from a cross.
In today’s reading from Mark, we witness Jesus’ baptism and literal expulsion into the Judean desert (not a good place to be). This reading in Mark is the beginning of Jesus’ ministry to his people and eventually to all creation. In many ways, Jesus is the “New Ark.” We find Jesus suffering through merciless temptation for 40 days, with the wild beasts and angels. (You see) once again we see that all creation is linked.
As we look at the nature of God and his covenants, there are interesting parallels between today’s two readings:
In Genesis the clouds form and the rain pours down. In Mark the heavens are violently torn apart at Jesus’ baptism, and the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus like a Dove.
In Genesis, Noah floats on the waters for 40 days; adrift in a wet and abandoned world. There is a dark void where abundant life used to exist. In Mark, Jesus is set adrift in the desert. For 40 days he endures the desolate void found in a dry and abandoned waste land.
In Genesis, Noah herds God’s creatures into the ark and cares for them during this 40 day period. In Mark, Jesus draws the desert creatures to himself. He is God’s new Ark or refuge.
We don’t know what kind of sailing Noah experienced during the flood. We are not told if he faced terrible waves and violent tempests. But we do know that Jesus faced a terrible onslaught by the Adversary; an attack meant to derail and destroy the future hope of God’s creation. If Jesus gave in or failed, the world was doomed. But as we all know, where Adam failed in the Garden of Eden, Jesus will succeed in the Judean desert. And just as the flood waters eventually subside, so does Jesus’ wilderness exile. God’s plan for redeeming all creation is now in motion.
All too often we find ourselves adrift in this world. We find ourselves frightened, worried and consumed with the weight of our problems. Perhaps we long for the heavens to open up and have God deliver us. Perhaps we desperately hope to find refuge and sanctuary on a rescue boat, as we slowly drown in a sea of doubt and despair.
There is no doubt that today’s world is a difficult place to exist. We all have major worries. If it is not the deflated economy, it is the violence we see in society. If it is not war and conflict, it is the abuse of the innocent. We exist in a very harsh and world in which the Adversary is always brewing up a new tempest or sand storm to make our lives difficult, full of doubt and distracted. This is why it is absolutely vital that we remember that Jesus (the New Covenant) is (dare I say the word!) our Bailout Package. Except unlike the monstrosity in Washington, this bailout comes at no cost without interest. This morning as Jesus undertakes his mission to redeem the world, deep down in creation a change is subtly taking place. Because of Jesus’ faithfulness, the Adversary knows that he has already lost the battle. While he will make a few subtle returns, Jesus will not fall for his tricks or ploys. Jesus has turned his face toward Jerusalem and the cross. Lent has begun.
As we undertake this Lenten journey with Christ; the more faithfully we commit ourselves to stay the path; the less power our fears will have over us. Please remember, no matter what storms or hardships we face, God is faithful and God will not abandon us. Through Christ Jesus our Lord we have a new hope and a new life. So, please – join me and together, (together) we will take this Lenten journey – (a journey) which will eventually lead to the greatest bailout package of all – the Resurrection.
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Trinity Wall Street Conference Center Chapel
Our prayers rise like incense into heaven
Church of the Good Shepherd, Augusta, Ga.
"...And the sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night."
1 comment:
Simply, "progress", so-called, is destroying the earth(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Grace, Miracles, Faith, etc.) ;-(
Postings have been made at concerning such destruction and perversion and also concerning The Creator's(GOD, Father) promise that HE will "destroy those who destroy the earth(HIS Creation)!" (Rev11:18c)
Yet there is a Living, Lively Hope!
However, such Hope is not for that which is of the earth, earthly and fleshly, but there is a Living, Lively Hope for that which is Spirit, Heavenly and Spiritual.
Hope for that which is Spirit is Alive because "progress", which is the product of mankind's "imag"ination, can pervert, yet not destroy that which is Spirit! For that which is Spirit is Real, and that which is Real is Forever!
So no matter how perverse this world's systems of religion become, that which is Spirit can only be abused and perverted, not destroyed!
That which is Spirit is Eternal.......
As for that which is called "religion".
"Pure religion and undefiled before GOD The Father(Creator) is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world." (James 1:27)
Simply, every other religion is impure and defiled!
As stated previously, "that which is called ""progress" is of mankind's "imag"ination and can pervert, yet not destroy, that which is Spirit", and so it is that this world, and it's systems of religion, have their version of "Light", which can be turned on and off;
Their version of "Truth", which is of the "imag"ination;
Their version of "Love", which should be called lust;
Their version of "Peace", which needs be enforced;
Their version of "Hope", which is but a desire for temporal "things";
Their version of "Faith", which is powerless;
Their version of "Grace", which is the liberty to "do your own thing";
And sadly, the favorite color of this world's religion is gray ;-(
So come out of the shadows! And as is said by many, "Get Real"!
Once again, "only that which is Spirit is Real, and only that which is Real is Forever"!
Hope is there would be those who "see" that The Life is in and of The Spirit. Those who "see" will no longer have their portion with the multitudes who are destroying the earth(and, air, water, creatures, vegetation) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Faith, Grace, etc.) ;-(
Simply, each breath(Spirit) you take is a revelation of The Source of Life.
And "A Simple and Spiritual Life is the only Life that will survive!"
So "set your affections on Heavenly things" and be not of those "whose god is their bellies because they mind earthly things". Be not of those who "love this world and it's things" and who are "progress"ively destroying the earth(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Faith, Grace, etc.).......
Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world and it's systems of religion, for "The WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one" (1John5:19) indeed and Truth.......
Truth is never ending....... TheDestructionOfTheEarth.Wordpress.Com
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