Monday, July 29, 2013

Love the Antidote to Fear

Hate is not the opposite of love as one might think. The opposite of love is fear. To love means to open ourselves up to be vulnerable, which means taking risk; the risk of being hurt; the risk of being rejected; the risk of being denied. Fear on the other hand cons us into the security of taking the path of least resistance and most secure. Fear protects our vulnerability and the risks brought about by a life of love. But what kind of life do we lead without love? How do we grow both spiritually and emotionally without taking risks? Fear would have us deny love, risk and vulnerability and build a protective barrier around our hearts.

Fear is the great paralyzer. From it springs all kinds of spiritual and emotional disease and (dis – ease). Out of fear springs a life that is almost immobile and filled with resentment, hate, anxiety, anger, doubt and worry. It is a lifestyle that lacks the courage to be the full people of God we were created. It isolates us as well as insolates our lives from others. Fear gives birth to the “what if’s” and draws the undefined future into the present, always with a negative outcome.

Love on the other hand requires that we exercise courage. It calls us to a life of action and vulnerability that means we will surely experience pain and hurt. But lest we forget, we will also experience growth, and the tremendous rewards of a life that is self-giving, placing the needs of others before our own.

Courage is born out of our painful experiences and struggles. We don’t often recognize courage because it doesn’t present itself in the same dramatic manner as fear. Nevertheless, courage quietly responds (never reacting) to the challenges we face in life, constantly calling us to vulnerably face our fears. Through our courage love is enhanced and will always allow us to overcomes fear. How many times in the Gospels do we hear Jesus say the words, “Fear not?”

Jesus is love incarnate. While he experienced all the fears and their awful byproducts, he always acted in love. Jesus consistently faced fear with love, dispelling fears power. Even from the cross our Lord demonstrated the nature of love when he said, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” This was love without condition or restraints.

Can we let down our walls of protection built up by the countless persuasions of fear? Are we willing to take risks in this life in order to grow more spiritually mature? Are we willing to remove the barricades around our hearts in order to be vulnerable? For in order to experience true love we must be vulnerable, and in order to give love we must be vulnerable as well. We are called by God to live lives of unconditional love. The choice is ours.

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