Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Communication in any organization is vital to the health and well being of the entity. All too often we do not communicate well. This is especially true in the church in which we work largely with volunteers. It is important that we tighten up our communication strategies so that we more effectively and efficiently deliver the same message to everyone involved. Don’t just assume that a random or unverified decision is appropriate, and then follow through with the task. This only creates confusion, frustration and anger.

Communication is one of those seemly easy traits to follow, but that is often a misnomer.  In the church it is important that each committee, chairperson, and liaison know and understand his or her role. It is also vital that the paid staff understand their job descriptions as well. This is how we are able to articulate our needs through the appropriate channels. It also eliminates confusion and misunderstandings.

There are appropriate people and channels that each decision is to go to for approval and then organized delegation. In the church these often become muddled as everyone either wants to participate and doesn’t wait for directives from the leader, or people make decisions on their own and don’t communicate with the leader. This kind of process must be eliminated if we are to function as a healthy and efficient parish.

So I encourage us to talk to the committee chairs first regarding ideas and thoughts. If they are not available then go to the Vestry Liaison and discuss the matter with them. Try to do these things either face to face or over the phone as e-mail is far too interpretive, and has the possibility of creating misunderstanding and hurt feelings. 

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