Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Don't Bail on Jesus

Out on the water the winds suddenly changed and softened as if they were storing up energy for one big blast. In the eerie quietness even the stillness of the water gave off a sense of uneasiness. In the north the thick dark clouds were gathering together, as if an army running to formation. Thunder rumbled on the edge of the sea. Brief glimpses of lightening popped of the surface of the water. All hell was about to break loose and the little fishing boat was powerless to do anything about the storms oncoming wrath.

Then the first drop of rain hit the boat. The fishermen knew it was a bad storm by the sheer size of the raindrop. The once still water began to rock the boat in a gentle way that they knew would only become worse. All the while the dark wall of clouds moved in steady formation towards them. It was then that the first real gust of wind slammed against the boat, rocking it to and fro. What was once rippling waves were now becoming larger and more dangerous.

Where was Jesus when he was needed? He was asleep in the boats stern. The disciples yelled out commands to one another as they desperately attempted to save not only their boat, but themselves as well. The storm grew closer and closer until its full fury was upon them. Finally they screamed over the wind and thunder for their Master to wake up. Of course when roused he asked what the problem was to a group of surprised fishermen.

When he realized they were afraid of the storm he simply said “Quiet,” and the storm ceased and the waters were as calm and smooth as glass. He then asked, “Why did you fear? Don’t you know that I am with you?”

We all experience tempests in life that rock our boats (or should I say - worlds).  Some we see coming from a long way off, yet there are those that simply pop up out of seemly nowhere. If we are not spiritually sound or fit, these storms can wreak havoc upon our daily lives, leaving us desperate and full of fear. As human beings many of us already struggle with the concept of faith, much less living a deeper spiritual life. What does all of that mean? Many of us forget that Jesus is always with us, especially in the dark times of trouble and doubt. His Words have the ability to calm the tempests and comfort us. Yet we must listen to Christ and not become caught up in the turbulent environment.

That sounds so simple but in the moment of desperation it is difficult. That is why we must work on our daily spiritual life in Christ. It is easy to be a fair weather Christian, until the storm strikes. If we are not spiritually grounded then we will panic, desperately trying to say meaningless prayers because we lack faith.

Faith is something that must be cultivated. Faith is something that must be constantly attended. Faith is something we build over a lifetime. By doing this we become spiritually grounded and the storms of life we know will pass. The sun will come out again!

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