Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Peachtree Rd Turkey Bowl Shootout

Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude, eating, and the gathering of family and dear friends. It is a time we come together in love (along with all of the family dysfunction) to visit and reconnect with one another. My mother’s house, fondly known and called by my children as “Grammy’s” is no different. We have plenty of delicious food around the table, yet over the years the number of hungry little mouths has substantially increased. With the added number of grandchildren and friends there has emerged over the years yet another West tradition; laying the good food aside, the West family Thanksgiving transforms into the site of the annual Peachtree Road Turkey Bowl Shootout. Yes, football takes over! Bodies of all shapes and sizes fly around the front yard. There is much love, fun, laughter and of course, arguing with each other. It is a time of family fellowship, bragging rights (at least for the next year) and an opportunity to work off at least a little of the Thanksgiving feast.

1 comment:

Swestie said...

Fun was had by all!

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