Thursday, November 14, 2013

Finding Gratitude in the Simplicity of God

The air is crisp and cold. On the eastern horizon the sun is just breaking over the canopy of thick oak trees in a long orange and red glow. Somewhere there is the faint sound of a trickling fountain of water that is soothing to the senses. Nature is coming to life as the squirrels began to move around in the treetops. Birds begin to make their morning song, welcoming the new day. The red, gold and orange leaves of autumn begin to take shape as some quietly float to the ground. What intense beauty to behold. Acorns fall from the trees, landing on the frozen ground. Mysterious sounds of all kinds break the silence of the morning light. The darkness of night slowly gives way to the dawn of a new day and a new chance on life. Refreshed and renewed, this is God’s holy beauty; the gift of creation. No artist can capture its radiance or subtle exquisiteness.

Despite the worlds troubles, in this early dawn hour we are reminded of God’s creative and redeeming love for life. God the divine artist has splashed his palate of paints across the landscape, giving life, loveliness and motion to all that his brush strokes touch. And in that moment his brush sweeps across me, awakening my soul, giving new birth to a renewed life in order to meet the oncoming day. 

Awake, awake! Rise and shine! For a new day is upon us with endless opportunities. Our sleep is over and our internal clocks reset. The golden light of God’s divine touch is inspiring and uplifting to all of God’s creatures. To behold the magnitude of his beauty is life altering and special. A genuine sense of gratitude pulses through my body as the first long ray of the sun brushes warmly across my face, despite the lingering cold. Basking in the moment, I realize through all of my life’s struggles that it is in the simplicity of the dawn that they give way to love and gratitude.

During this season of Thanksgiving it is the simple things in life that we often fail to remember. This is a time of gratitude and praise to God, as well as the abundant life he offers each of us. There is something holy and redeeming to the human soul when gratitude fills our hearts and rules our day. We realize we have so much more to be thankful for in life than perhaps we realize. Gratitude for the simplicity of life propels our spirits to a new level of joy; a joy that can only be found in recognizing the awesomeness of our Creator.

So awake, awake! Life is happening all around us; a good and wholesome life through the simplicity of God.

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Church of the Good Shepherd, Augusta, Ga.

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