Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Godless World without Conscience

The recent discovery that the Syrian government used chemical weapons during this period of civil upheaval and unrest is absolutely inexcusable. Conventional warfare is bad enough, but to use weapons of mass destruction is appalling, as well as wicked. How many innocent people suffered agonizing deaths at the hands of their own government? Weapons of mass destruction have no conscience or ability to pick and choose whom to affect, they destroy everything that they come in contact with, including the innocent and those caught in the crossfire of conflict. It breaks my heart to think of the blameless families, especially children who have suffered and died at the hands of such cruel and evil actions. What kind of world do we live in where with the push of a button hundreds of thousands of lives can be obliterated from the face of the earth? Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are agents of mass destruction that have the ability to not only wipe out life as we know it, but destroy our planet as well. Do we no longer have any respect for God and God’s creation? Can’t we at least find a common denominator in the fact that the earth is our fragile island home and needs to be nurtured? Yet in the name of power, greed and might we will use such weapons to achieve our goals. Look at the cost!

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Church of the Good Shepherd, Augusta, Ga.

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