Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Still Water Runs Deep."

After years of neglect, a good friend of mine found himself in much need of dental work. Since his teeth were in such deplorable shape, he made multiple visits to the dentist. As he sat in the dentist chair, anxiety flowing through his being, he would do what most of us do and that is to take in his environment. On one particular occasion as he sat in his usual spot, he noticed a large poster hanging on the wall. This poster captured his attention and would soon become a mantra for his life.

The poster hung right beside the dental chair and depicted an ocean scene. On the surface of the water, under a black and turbulent sky, the sea was experiencing a violent storm. The water was crashing down upon itself in huge waves as rain battered the oceans surface. Wind was viciously driving the seawater in various directions. It was a horrific storm on the ocean. However, as the water became deeper the storm had much less affect. Finally at the bottom of the poster the water was absolutely still. Fish were swimming safely around, completely oblivious to the raging storm above. There was writing on the poster that became my friend’s mantra. It read, “Still water runs deep.”

“Still water runs deep.” This is a powerful image and metaphor for those of us whose spirits constantly seem to be raging like the storm on the ocean’s surface. We all experience spiritual turmoil in our lives. There are experiences in life that seem to batter our beliefs and try our faith. Anxiety runs ramped and our trust in God is challenged. We may feel tossed about helplessly without any direction on the violent seas of life.  We need an anchor, but the presence of God seems distant and remote. How can we survive under such turmoil? How can we exist and live a meaningful life when we are so full of anxiety, fear, doubt and uncertainty?

Sadly many of us live life under these conditions every day. We never feel safe, settled or at peace. Something always stirs our anxiety and fear. The winds of doubt cut right through us as we try to simply manage our daily lives. Will the ravaging storm ever be calmed? Will the sea of life that I exist ever settle down? These are important questions of faith.

Life on life’s terms is a role of the dice. All we can do is live our lives to the best of our ability, and then try to cope with whatever comes our way. This is where the storms originate. Without a firm spiritual grounding in Christ we are left to the violent elements that upheave life, sending us into downward spirals. Yet when we are spiritually fit, the storms may rage on the surface, but deep down in our hearts “Still water runs deep.” In other words we are spiritually anchored and calm.

Living a life of strong spiritual fortitude doesn’t just magically happen. It is not something we are born with either. A life that is spiritually mature and able to withstand the assaults of the world takes molding and shaping over time. Deep spirituality requires practice and commitment. We accomplish this through our daily spiritual habits and practices. Over time we develop an ongoing relationship with God that is natural and rhythmic. When life’s crisis’ pop up we don’t have to blurt out some “Hail Mary” prayer. Rather we are in relationship with God and our faith and trust allow us to go deeper than the fear and anxiety that seek to unravel our lives. “Still water runs deep.” Our spirits have a calmness and depth to them that allow us to navigate the storms of life. We come to understand that God is in control of our lives and we look to follow his will. We know that while there will always be discomfort and pain in life, for that is unavoidable, we also know that Christ is there too. Our spirits run deep in the love and grace of God. Sure we may become rattled at times but then again we are human beings!

I encourage each of us to practice the spiritual principles of prayer and the reading of Scripture. If we do this on a consistent basis we will find that our relationship with Jesus strengthens and deepens. Before we know it we will find ourselves at a place where “Still water runs deep.”


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