Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas is Upon Us!

The day has arrived, the eve of the Nativity of Our Lord. What a fabulous night. The dark clouds of Advent have burst forth in radiant light, brightening the nighttime sky. The Incarnation, Christ our Lord is with us! The prophecy of Isaiah has been fulfilled, for unto us this night, a Savior is born! He will be called Emmanuel, meaning “God with us.”

This is a night of great celebration and joy. God has come down in the form of a human being to take on sin and death and banish them forever. This is the night that a quiet hush lays over the land, despite all the ruckus in Bethlehem. Salvation Incarnate is upon us. Angels sing their magnificent song in the heavens. Mary and Joseph have faithfully served the Lord and accepted the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Lift up your voice this night and praise God. For the most profound event in the history of the world has taken place. A light burns brightly in the little stable as shepherds abandon their flocks and rush to witness this magnificent event. Grace abounds as the baby Jesus stretches his self in great pleasure.

In the Far East Wise Men studying the nighttime skies see a new star, a star that beacons them to follow. Light is everywhere. The world will never know such a profound peace as this again in its history. The heir to David’s throne lies in swaddling clothes in the tiny manger. Yet this is no warrior Savior, Christ came into the world as a humble servant to the world. His ministry and mission are to the lost, the lame, the blind, the sick and the outcast.

Jesus is here, so lift up your voices with the angels and rejoice singing Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!  The Savior of the world has arrived and in him we will know true freedom and happiness. He will open the doors of salvation to all, both Gentile and Jew.

O come O come Emmanuel! The King of peace is sent as a ransom for our salvific hope. The world has been turned upside down in the wee hours of this first Christmas morn. A babe is born to rule over nations, not through earthly might and power, but through love. God has redeemed us unto himself.

I wish you all a most Merry Christmas and may the love of Christ abide with you always!

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