Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Choosing Our Words Wisely

We live in a society and world today in which we have to choose our words very carefully. Not only are we experiencing a politically correct period in our time, but one in which words have more power. Throughout the history of this world words carry more weight and do more damage than any weapon. Wars have started over the use of words. People have suffered over the use of words. Nations have fallen over the use of words. As the Apostle James reminds us, the tongue is an instrument that can do much damage to the Body of Christ. Therefore we must be careful with the vocabulary we choose, because while on the one hand our words have the ability to be soothing, the same tongue can cut like a sharp knife.

Over the years I have made a conscious effort to improve my vocabulary and seriously think through what I am going to say to someone, especially if it is a delicate situation. Some words not only have multiple meanings, but also have the power to bring hurt upon our neighbor. I have unintentionally done damage to others at times due to the wrong use of a single word. It is amazing the effect the tongue can have upon others. With a single word we can inspire people to sore, or we can tear them down, leaving them in pieces.

With a single word God brought all creation to life, and with a single word God destroyed whole cities and cultures. We are not God! We don’t always have the perfect vocabulary for every situation we encounter. Thus it is vital that we be careful with the words we choose to say to people. It is important that we not allow our broken nature to dominate our lives. By doing so we become creatures of destruction, rather than creatures of nurture.

Jesus is the Living Word of God and perfect in all things. Even in his hostile encounters with the Pharisees and Scribes, he chose his words wisely. Did some of his words offend? Absolutely, but remember that Jesus came into this broken world not to harm the world but to save us from sin and death. There are times when harsh words are most appropriate for the sake of the other, but they need to be thought through before spoken. Often the words that hurt us the most are the words we most desperately need to hear. When spoken in love and concern for the other harsh words may actually save or redirect their lives. But we don’t have a license to go around and thoughtlessly say what we feel, especially at the expense of others.

So think before we speak and remember that the tongue is a double edges sword, kind on one side and destructive on the other.

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