Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Living By Faith

Living by faith is often a challenge. Yet as believers we are called to live a God centered life, a life that places our trust in God. It is easy to have faith in God when everything in our life is smooth and unruffled. But faith is tested when we experience adversity in life. Thus it is vital to our faith and trust in God to cultivate an ongoing relationship with Christ. The more we give of ourselves to God the easier it is to traverse the rough patches of life. This requires a life committed to continuous prayer and acceptance.

We are demanding creatures who want what we want. In other words we like to be in control. Our human ego often tells us that we know what is best for our lives. Thank goodness this is not true. God knows what is best for us, even though we may often question God. When we experience difficulties in life we frequently question God. We occasionally find ourselves actually blaming God for the hardships we encounter. But life is filled with challenges, despair and difficulties. Life is often unfair and downright hard. If we have a drive by kind of faith we will struggle all the more. This is why an ongoing prayerful life is so important. When the challenges arise (and they will) we are better spiritually equipped to deal with them since we know that God is with us and in control. All we have to do is turn our lives and will over to God and have the trust that God will see us through no matter what the end result.  

Faith is something that needs to be cultivated. Our prayer life is only one aspect. As James says, “Faith without works is dead.” Therefore we are called to get outside of our problems and ourselves and help others. There is an old Buddhist saying, “Help your brothers boat across the stream and lo you find your own boat has crossed as well.” Despite his impending fate, Jesus always took the time to assist the poor, sick, outcast, and marginalized. If we are to live our lives as wholesome examples in Christ we are to follow this model. If we commit ourselves to a life of service and prayer we will discover that our faith becomes unbending and strong. The difficulties we face in life will have less power over us as we become spiritually mature.

The more we give of ourselves to God, the more God gives of himself to us. A faithful life may not always bring us what we desire, but it will bring us to a more intimate   relationship with God and others. Our faith will grow and our problems will seem much less.

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